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Sustainable Conservation Model

Faced with increasing consumption, over-urbanization and climate change, the planets natural and cultural treasures are at a serious risk. Sustainable conservation is to ensure that those who will come can enjoy the heritage left by the ancestors.


The need for conservation is linked to the challenge of a sustainable planet. Restoring adobe and stone temples in Andean communities, we learned that the value of heritage is beyond monuments, museums and tourism. It is in the hearts of ancestral communities that strive to leave to the new generations the natural and cultural treasures inherited from the ancestors, so that their development is sustainable, connected with their roots and in harmony with the environment, the Holy Land Pachamama...

“I like what the Fundación Altiplano taught us through the Cultural Assets Workshop, because those are the techniques that my ancestors practiced, working with stones is in the blood. I am very grateful, I was able to grow as a woman, I gained experience and getting to know my fellow team members was enriching. My daughters are proud of me and encourage me to continue.”

Miriam Flores, Putre community

Tell us about a treasure, about a cultural or natural miracle of your landscape or territory. Tell us about your community, which has had a long and loving relationship with this treasure, and which needs to move forward. This is the formula that triggers a learning process, a sustainable conservation…


Sustainable Conservation is dealing with the loss of something very valuable, which is in the heart of a community. Coping with loss requires learning to overcome sadness, fear and inaction, to recover knowledge and to gain new skills. Learning about heritage confronts the community with a process that is uncertain, that tends to fail and that requires leadership to guide, contain and direct the process. Finally, the value of affected heritage is recovered and a new shared value is created, allowing the community to preserve their patrimonial treasure with new incentives and benefits for its sustainable development. 

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